Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Italian Spiderman: The Adventure Continues...

Italian Spiderman!

The Adventure Continues...

For those of you who don't know, This is Italian Spiderman...
Now that you know, you'll understand why I want to dedicate some artwork to it.  The goal is to Italian-Spider-ise the world of Spider-man. 
This week, we can all enjoy two terrors of horrifying proportions.  First up, we have an Italianized villain from Spiderman's past. Morbius!
Il Vampiro Morboso
 And to add to the madness, I have the Italian Vulture!
Have an Italian week!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Galaxy in a Pixel

A Galaxy in a Pixel

You Should see the MOVIE!

Go see Guardians of the Galaxy!
I'll wait...
You see it?  Good.  Watching that movie made me feel like I was one of those kids in the theater watching Star Wars for the first time back in 1977.  Its fun, cosmic, and left me grinning from ear to ear.
And as a tribute, I made this.  


Monday, August 4, 2014

Idea Dump

Idea Dump

Where Ideas Come to Lie.

Here is the start of an image series.  To continue on however, I need to work on a few character designs.  Here I have a few ideas for a few character redesigns.
 Star Sapphire
And to everyone's surprise, Ultra Humanite.