Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Creators: Shel Silverstein


A growing list of influential artists, writers, poets, filmmakers, and creatives.

Shel Silverstein

There are some people that just have so much stuff inside them that they nearly burst with it.  And finding just one way to let it out isn't enough, they have to keep trying different ways to let it out.  That "it" is extremely important to them.  "It" is so important that it must be shared any way they can.
That is the way Shel Silverstein was.
There is much to be inspired by here.  By his artistic craft, his poetry writing, and his idea construction.  There is something about the way he writes that makes it whimsical enough for children yet profound enough for adults.  He has a flair for silliness as well as sensitivity.  I once tried to write poetry like he did... I couldn't quite master it.
But, he was not only a poet and an artist, but he was also a playwright and songwriter.
Here's him with Johnny Cash Singing the song he wrote" a Boy Named Sue."  I still laugh whenever I here him sing.
His work is widely known, so I don't think I need to explain it, so I'll just share some favorites.

It doesn't take much to be hilarious.

The giving tree, in search of selflessness.
Some things are worth listening to.
So long.

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