Monday, April 1, 2013

I'M Only Funny on Paper

I'm Only Funny on Paper

A comic.

The 50 States Project

For our latest installment of the 50 states project, I'll bring you to the state of my birth, Ohio.  I had all kinds of wacky ideas for Ohio's superhero (Taft in a tub, The Mighty Porker-pig avenger, Mr. Wright, Drew Carey) but I was struggling for a coherent theme.  Eventually I settled on focusing on the sky, since the Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong, and the Air force call our state home.  It seemed fitting since Ohio always had a kind of deluded idea of itself, wanting to be a state of great cities and ending up with a bunch of second bananas (lousy Illinois/Tennessee/California). So, here he is, full of lofty ideas and not a lot else, Here's Buckeye.
Rife with delusions of grandeur and an obsession with its own progressiveness, Buckeye is a spaceman-like hero who has a ray gun (Which is actually a flashing light) and flies around in a Wright brothers plane (so, 4 feet off the ground at thirty miles per hour, often getting caught in trees) that converts into a riverboat (that gets caught on sandbars when the river is low or on fire). Evil beware! Buckeye Rocks! (Like Cleveland).

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